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Nebraska has a very high statistic of drunk driving.


According to a strange article of the Nebraska law, still in force, if pub owners want to sell beer, they are obliged to brew a kettle of soup at the same time.

Public safety


Nebraska - Nebraska State Patrol Trooper - f.r. photo



Nebraska - Lincoln - g.e. photo (in 2021)


Nebraska - Lincoln - Nebraska State Capitol - f.v. photo

Destination in brief

Nebraska is one of the states of the Midwest. Neighbors: South Dakota (north), Iowa (east), Missouri (southeast), Kansas, and Colorado (south, Wyoming (west).

The name "Nebraska" is based on an Indian word meaning "flat water," referring to the Platte River.

Population (in 2020): 1.9 million - 87% White, 5% Black or African American, 2,3% Asian, 1% Native American

Capital city: Lincoln


Nebraska lies in the middle of the Great Plains on the westernmost foothills of "Grain Belt". The eastern part of the state is part of the Midwest, and the western part is part of the western United States. One of the slogans of Nebraska is: "Where the West begins".


In the 1860s, the Homestead Act brought the first wave of settlers to Nebraska to take possession of the government-made land.
(The Homestead Act is a land acquisition law that came into force in the USA in 1863. This allowed anyone over the age of 21 to settle on a hitherto uninhabited piece of land, to mark out and farm a 160 acre (about 64 ha) of land. )

Nebraska residents have used modern agriculture to turn the prairie plains into a land of ranches and farms. The history of Nebraska is, therefore, deeply connected to agriculture. The nickname of Nebraska also testifies to this: "Cornhusker State."

Nebraska - Lincoln - History Museum - g.e. photo



Tourist etiquette

1. Don’t throw cigarettes or cigar ashes out the window. In Nebraska, with the frequent winds, wildfires spread very quickly.

2. According to a strange Nebraska law, a parent can be placed under arrest if his or her child burps during church services.



Nebraska - Lincoln - Nebraska State Capitol - f.v. photo

Nebraska - Lincoln - mural inside the Capitol - g.e. photo

Nebraska - Lincoln - g.e. photo

Nebraska - Lincoln - Nebraska Governor Residence - g.e. photo


Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland

Scotts Bluff National Monument


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