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Colombia is a fantastic, gorgeous and diverse country. One important point is that – contrary to what you might have heard – it’s extremely safe. The Colombians are very sweet, and grateful that tourists are at last visiting their country. The number of foreign visitors is constantly increasing, so if you prefer your travels to have a hint of adventure, go now! Hurry, it’s worth it! 😊😊
We were in Bogotá, Medellin, along the Pacific Coast and in the Amazon rainforest
One unmissable spot in Bogotá was Monserate, where you get a fabulously beautiful view over the city.” (me, 2018)



“For land transport we used the bus. As in Peru, several different companies often operate on the same route, so you can choose whichever you prefer. In the end, though, we never settled on a favorite. Most of them have taken advantage of retrofitting grants to equip their fleet with modern buses, but frequent roadblocks meant that the journey time was always longer than that indicated in the Lonely Planet guidebook. Thus the journey from Salento to Medellín, which should have taken six hours, actually took nine.” (2018)

Colombia - Antioquia - Guatapé - El Penol - public bus - r.g. photo

Colombia - Guatepé - moto rickshaw - r.g. photo



Colombia - Isla Barú - Playa Blanca - my meal - r.g. photo



Colombia - she just slakes her thirst - r.g.

Public safety


Colombia - heavily beweaponed man of the Presidential Guard (GP= Guardia Presidential)- r.g. photo



Colombia - San Andrés - r.g. photo


Colombia - national flag - r.g photo

Destination in brief

Colombia in brief

Colombia is in the northwestern part of South America.

Neighbors: Panama (north), Venezuela (east), Brazil, Peru and Ecuador (south)

The name of the country comes from the Italian explorer and colonizer, Christopher Columbus.

Size: 1,142,000 km² (440,800 mi²) - Colombia is the only South American country that has a coast on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

Capital city: Bogotá - At 2,640 meters (8,660 feet) above sea level, Bogotá can cause travelers some minor altitude sickness, at least on the first day. (Try sipping water or drinking an energy drink, which helps with rehydration and contains high levels of glucose and minerals.)

Population: 50,6 million (2020) – about 53% mestizo (white-Indian mix), 36% white, 10,6% with African ancestry. In the last few years, about a million Venezuelans have emigrated to neighboring Colombia because of the food and medicine shortages and profound political divisions in their country.

Language: Spanish - ‘Bogotá Spanish’ is considered the country’s most elegant dialect. It has an almost musical intonation and clear pronunciation, which is why it is considered by many to be the most beautiful form of Spanish in South America.

Religion: 75% Roman Catholic (only about 25% of whom are practicing)

Currency: peso (COP)

Most frequent surname: Rodriguez

Average net monthly salary: 310 USD (2020) – Colombia has a surprisingly good social security network (like basic pension and free education until the end of high school). Colombia is not as expensive as Brazil, Uruguay or Argentina.

Public safety:

Colombia was for a long time considered a dangerous place because of the drug wars and guerilla activities. Colombia is not a dangerous tourist destination anymore, especially when compared to Brazil or (to a lesser extent) Peru. The usual precautionary measures should be taken to protect yourself during your stay. Bogotá has some risky areas, but luckily those parts of the city are not of much interest for a tourist.

People are friendly and helpful. Hotels are better than the Latin American average.

Optimal timing of a tourist visit: Colombia does not really have typical seasons. Because of its proximity to the Equator, the sun basically shines all year long.

Best to visit in January-March and July-September as these are less rainy periods (except in the higher areas of the eastern part). Medellín gets a lot of rain in December and January. The busiest tourist high season is around the Easter holidays.

Most popular tourist attractions:Cartagena, Medellín, Eje Cafetero, Tayrona National Park, Providencia Island, Leticia, The Lost City, Mompox

Almost all tourists who visit Colombia can hardly stop raving about their trip afterwards.



Colombia - Antioquia - Piedra Del Penol Guatepe - r.g. photo



Colombia - Usaquen - Mercado de las pulgas - sales force - r.g. photo


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