1. We were told that the only inmate of Tuvalu’s only prison likes spending much of his time sitting on top of a coconut tree
2. No venomous snakes or spiders, no rabid dogs
3. So few tourists that there are no souvenir shops (I am often irritated when traveling the world at how unimaginative the souvenirs usually are)
4. The one-day tour of the Funafuti Conservation Area, where we finally saw some truly unspoiled seawater
5. Funny to see that cars, motorbikes and even pedestrians do not hesitate to cross the open airport runway until an air-raid siren warns them of an imminent departure or arrival (which are luckily very few and far between)
1. The sad sight of a Korean shipwreck
2. They collect empty bottles in huge containers - we wondered what the point is of storing them like that
3. A lot of mosquitoes and flies
4. Wi-Fi is a permanent problem
5. Trash