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north-central Africa - Chad - The Chad's woman's burden - Elter photo

north-central Africa . Chad - at home - Elter photo

“I didn’t spend much time in Chad, but in giving my impressions I can describe a ‘true’ African country: tiring, difficult, energy-sapping, corrupt, interesting, but you can hardly wait to travel on. I just recently came across an article which said that Chad is the fifth most dangerous country in the world. It certainly didn’t feel that way to me as a backpacker, and in fact from a crime perspective I actually felt quite safe. The political situation around Chad, however, is a different matter, and if we back home had neighbors like Libya, Sudan and Nigeria, we’d know all about it… (2014)”




north-entral Africa - Chad - floating motor bike - Elter photo



Chad - meal



nort-central Africa - Chad - the team picture succeeded at last - Elter photo

Chad - traditional dance



Chad - excursion


Chad - traditional village house

Destination in brief

Chad in brief

Chad is a vast, landlocked country in the northern part of Central Africa. Chad is one of the countries of the so-called Sahel region. Neighbors: Libya (north), Sudan (east), Central African Republic and Cameroon (south), Nigeria and Niger (west)
Chad was a French colony until 1960. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. Chad ranks among the world’s worst performing countries in terms of health. Chad is sometimes called the “Dead Heart of Africa” due to its distance from the sea and desert climate.

Size: 1,284,000 km² (495,800 mi²) – Slightly larger than France and Spain combined! - Desert covers roughly one-half of Chad’s territory.
Capital city: N'djamena - Because of continuous immigration and the influx of refugees from the civil war (2005-2010), the city has grown rapidly without a proper expansion of services and infrastructure.

Population: 16.2 million (2020) – Chad is a predominantly Arabic country. - The fertility rate is very high and rising, with an average of nearly seven children per mother. – It is common in Chad for men to have more than one wife.
In the villages it is still customary for future Chadian husbands to work for their father-in-law for 3 years. It is also common for him to make straw mats and build a hut for his mother-in-law to shade her from the sun.
Language: French and Arabic are the official languages, but there more than 120 different local languages are spoken across the country as well.
The literacy rate in Chad is estimated at only 20 percent, a comparatively low rate within Africa.

Religion: 53% Muslim, 44% Christian
Political system: Presidential republic
Chad's is politically fragile due to profound social tensions and the regional spread of Islamist militancy.
Currency: Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Average net monthly salary: 290 USD (2020)
Most common surname: Mahamat
In Chad it is deemed rude to make eye contact whilst talking – if you do, the other person may think you are angry with them.
Safety: The capital is safe, but the country’s northern, eastern and southeastern regions are dangerous because of terrorist activities. Chad’s army is waging a veritable war against Boko Haram, an extreme Islamist terror organization that is threatening the whole region. 
When to visit?  Do not visit, but if you do: November-February
Top tourist attractions:
Ounianga Lakes, Goz Beida, Aouk National Park, Abeche, Douguia, the city of Moundou, Tibesti Mountains, the city of Bol, Zakouma National Park



Chad - Tibesti - Sandstone mountains - m.g. photo

Chad - Tibesti - Ascend to the summit of Emi Koussi, which is the highest mountain of the Sahara - m.g. photo

Chad - near Emi Koussi - Dune and rocks - m.g. photo



nort-central Africa - Chad - village - Elter photo



north-central Africa - Chad - young girl - Elter photo

Chad - beauties - n.d. photo


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