1. The breathtaking beauty of the mountain landscapes - top choice: Fann Mountains
2. Visiting the high-mountain village of Murghab - strange location
3. Peculiar, distinctive flora of the Pamir Mountains
4. The divine, very natural taste of the fruits in the mountain areas, particularly: apple, pear, plum
5. I had fun learning that name of the capital, Dusanbe means Monday, the day, we have arrived.
6. We ate fantastic shashlik, with a lot of onion in a restaurant in Dusanbe, at the Opera Ballet square
7. Local people are warmhearted - we got several spontaneous invitation to visit their home, family
8. The 2-hours helicopter program over the Pamir Mountains, between Dusanbe and Khorog
9. Thermal bath in a village amid mountains - non-mixed bathing though
10. Breath the fresh, crystal clear mountain air
1. Beyond Dusanbe locals don't speak English, they understand Russian (formerly part of Soviet Union)
2. Our driver was a bit careless on the Pamir Highways - it was scary
3. We appreciated the fresh mountain air but had some high-altitude sickness at the beginning
4. We wasted some unspent local money, which is a non-convertible currency elsewhere.
5. When not in the mountains, the desert landscape was dull after a while
6. The Tajik naan (or non) looks nice, but the taste is not my liking
7. Bad luck for me, the fatty mutton is overdominant in the Tajik gastronomy - the nomadic meals are minimalist, non-spiced
8. Frequent power cuts
9. I did not like the Khujand, a local beer, luckily I liked Baltika, an imported Russian beer
10. Dusanbe is a dreary city, polluted air - only good to have some globalized environment after the mountain programs.