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Anguilla - pier - l.m. photo

Anguilla is so small and well-ordered that if so much as one blade of grass is out of place, somebody hurries to put it right. But seriously, there are people who go out every morning and as a hobby collect any litter on the island’s roads. It only takes 35 minutes to drive right around the island, so nothing is ever more than a few kilometers away.






Anguilla - bar&grill - b.s. photo

Anguilla - lobster - l.m. photo



Anguilla - When you buy from a small business, you’re not helping a C.E.O. buy a 3rd holiday home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy his team jersey, Moms&Dads put food on the table – Shop local



Anguilla - morbidity - r.n. photo

Public safety


Anguilla - warning sign - c.m. photo


Caribbean - Anguilla - national flag - three dolphins mean: friendship, wisdom, strength

Destination in brief

  • Anguilla in brief

Anguilla is an Eastern Caribbean island in the Lesser Antilles. Anguilla is a British overseas territory with extensive autonomy. It is only 10 kilometers (about 6 miles) from St Martin. Many visitors take a boat from St Martin for a single day trip

Anguilla is a tiny island. With a territory of only 102 km² (63 mi²), it is 25 kilometers (15 miles) long and 5 kilometers (3 miles) wide. 

Population (in 2020): 15 000

Language: Everybody speaks English. More than 90% of the residents are descendants of slaves transported from Western Africa. They are friendly and cheerful people.

The island’s name comes from the Spanish word “anguila,” which means “eel”.

Capital: The Valley

Religions: 90,6% Christian

Currency: the official currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar, but U.S. dollars are accepted everywhere

Anguilla enjoys an average annual temperature of 27°C (80°F).

Best weather: December-April - but this is also the high tourist season 

More rain in July-October. Hurricane-prone season: July-November

There are 33 beaches: most are soft white sand beaches, and they’re all beautiful.

Anguilla is very expensive. Supermarket items are priced higher since most are imported. Restaurants can be quite pricey too, and accommodation costs can be steep.

While super-luxe hotels are easy to find, you can also pick a more budget-friendly accommodation, which means around US$100-150 per night for a couple. 

Anguilla has few natural resources, is unsuited for agriculture, and the economy depends heavily on luxury tourism, offshore banking, lobster fishing, and remittances from emigrants.



Anguilla - family - s.i. photo

Tourist etiquette


Caribbean - Anguilla - beach trash


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