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Rotterdam - Cube Houses (Kubuswoningen) - v.j. photo




The public transport (metro included) is very good.

Rotterdam - metro - b.s. photo

Rotterdam - Central (train) Station - v.j. photo

Rotterdam -bicycle storage at the train station - v.j. photo

Rotterdam - Erasmus Bridge - l.j. photo



Rotterdam - streetfood - stuffed potato skins - s.g. photo



Rotterdam - cheese shop - v.j. photo

Public safety

On the whole, Rotterdam is a safe city.  Crimes such as assault and armed robbery, are very rare. The most common crime is bicycle theft and vandalism by drug-addicts or football hooligans.

Allegedly, in some disreputable night clubs now and then, punch-ups, shoot-outs happen.


Destination in brief

Rotterdam is a major Dutch seaside city in the south of the Netherlands.

Population (in 2020): 598,200

Among the major Dutch cities, Rotterdam has the highest proportion of inhabitants of immigration background. Half of the population is not ethnic Dutch, though most of them are Dutch citizens.  Some say up to 75% have immigration background, if you count 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants. Most immigrants come from Suriname, South America, Turkey, Morocco, and the Netherlands Antilles. About a quarter of Rotterdam's population is Muslim!

Average net monthly salary (in 2020): 2350 Euro - (Netherlands average:2450 Euro - Amsterdam average: 2950 Euro)


This city was the birthplace of Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536), named Erasmus of Rotterdam. He was a critical thinker and a conciliator who remained loyal to the Roman Catholic church when others turned away.

The main aerial bombardment of Rotterdam, which completely destroyed the 17th-century city center, was by the German Luftwaffe in May 1940.

Since the 1950s, Rotterdam has been a playfield for architects, so it didn’t grow organically. So you have a very modern skyscraper next to a contemporary wobbly looking building, next to an old brick house, next to a 1950s cement-block-like building, etc.…


Rotterdam has the biggest port in Europe and one of the biggest in the world. So, there is a lot of industry and by that a lot of job opportunities.

,, A lot of vacant older industrial buildings are becoming restaurants, beer breweries, etc. More creative people move to Rotterdam. “The Old South” is becoming a haven for artists and musicians. The Maas river runs right through Rotterdam and makes the city very vibrant. There is more space in Rotterdam than in Amsterdam, and it’s a lot cheaper. Amsterdam has been “a thing” for centuries, and Rotterdam is catching up. Also, in Rotterdam, a very well known conservatory, universities. "

,, Local Dutch people complained to us that the immigrants in the city do not work, do not want to work, live on government aid, and that situation irritates the majority society."


It is said that the people of Rotterdam are more down to earth than the ones of Amsterdam. Rotterdam people regard Amsterdam as a rival city, while the Amsterdam people (with some arrogance) don't care at all about the opinions of the Rotterdam people.

,, Rotterdammers like to boost their image of being hardworking, pragmatic people. They love stories like: 'shirts sold in Rotterdam are with their sleeves already rolled up.
It's ultimately about the rivalry with Amsterdam, the country's number one city. Rotterdam is always the second, except for its port's size - which is impressively massive and puts Amsterdam in the shade.
Other than that, they are the eternal second city, in size, culturally, musically, regarding football, etc. So being just 'hardworking' is what they had to resort to as an identity. "

Tourist etiquette

1. In Rotterdam, people are friendly, but that depends on you as well. If you smile and are friendly, people smile back and are also nice to you.


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