Azerbaijan - Baku - symbolic backyard - Krista photo
1. A safe, cordial atmosphere: the country is not yet overrun by
tourists and is clean and well-organized
2. Funny to see vodka-drinking Muslims – not much religious
fundamentalism here, but still it isn’t overrun with mass-produced
western culture
3. Distinctive, unique landscapes
4. Not expensive, and the local fruit is delicious
5. A stroll on the promenade in Baku, among the well-dressed, stylish young people
6. Baku has grown through wealth derived from the oil income – a
great many skyscrapers
7. The lovely, small old town surrounded by more modern neighborhoods.
8. The Khan’s Palace in Sheki
9. The vastness of the Caspian Sea
10. The majestic mountain ranges of the Caucasus
11. The high-tech architecture of Baku International Airport
1. Azerbaijan is not yet ready for a larger influx of tourists
2. Plenty of remnants from the grey, sad, frustrated Soviet era
3. Too hot in the summertime
4. The air in Baku is very polluted due to heavy industry and the large number of
5. Most tourist souvenirs are not made in the country
6. Many country roads are in bad condition
7. The tragic numbers of refugees from the Karabakh war
8. Mad drivers and motorcyclists in Baku, who have absolutely no respect for pedestrians
9. Few (and adventurous) public toilet options outside the big cities
10. Azerbaijan is not a sensational tourist destination – we were satisfied to see it, but that’s all
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