1. A peculiar experience to see that showish opulency
2. Small country, easy to discover
3. All kind of meals (Indian, Malay, Chinese, European)
4. The colorful variety of spices in the Tamu night market
5. Their biggest mosque (the top end is fine gold) nicely lightened in the night
6. The capital city is even cleaner than Singapore
7. One of my favorite fruit is the rambutan and Bhutan has plenty of it.
8. A fun program to visit the sea village with its small bridges, canals, and wooden piers
9. The contemporary fairytale-like world of Brunei with the sultan, royal stories, really entertaining experience
10. It’s worth visiting for a day on the twenty-two minute flight from Kota Kinabolu

Brunei - trash
1. Not interesting for a beach vacation, as the coast is muddy, full of mangrove forests and swamps, the acceptable beaches are artificial
2. The cultural experiences offered to the visitors are mainly the show about the country’s richness and that is not necessarily likable
3. The visitor may feel that the Sultanate does not need the tourism revenues, oil production makes them rich anyway.
4. Difficult to find taxis except for the hotel entrances and the airport
5. Few tourist information, city maps for tourists
6. Upon arrival at the airport, we changed our USD on a very bad exchange rate (our fault)
7. The capital city is too calm, everyday life is a bit boring - the mall is the only place with some action
8. Non-Muslim can not visit the palace of the sultan (Muslims only twice a year)
9. No nightlife, bars pubs in Brunei (true, we knew that in advance)
10. Non-Muslim tourists can only get a drink at hotels and certain restaurants
11. Not everyone benefits from the country’s oil wealth
f.f. photo