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The center of Turin, a city of one million people, is remarkably spacious and pleasant. The roads are wider than in Milan, so traffic is not a constant irritant. There is also a bike rental scheme, which is worth looking into, as the city center is both big and interesting.

“Most of Turin’s main attractions are centered around a single square, Piazza Castello. The Palazzo Reale and the Duomo are right next to one another, and above them is the Galleria Sabauda, with the Royal Library collection next door. The Palazza Madame is also on this square, and not far away is the Museo Egizio – the Egyptian Museum – with its fine and unique collection, and the Mole Antonelliana. The latter was originally built as a synagogue, but is now the Museum of Cinematography. An elevator takes you up to the panoramic viewing deck, and you can either buy a ticket just for that, or one that combines the viewing deck with the exhibition. The Mole Antonelliana is no longer the tallest building in Turin, but the view from the top is still breathtaking. (2019)



Torino - Piazza Castello - Palazzo Madama - g.d. photo

Destination in brief

Population (in 2020): 870,000 (city area) and 1.8 million (urban area)

Average net monthly salary (in 2020): 1400 Euro - (Ital's average:



Turin - rainy day - g.d. photo



Tutin - Piazza San Carlo - Male statue on fountain - g.d.

Churches of Torino

Turin - Cathedral of St. John the Baptist - g.d. photo

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